Friendly Integrated Development Initiative in Poverty Alleviation (FIDIPA) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Kenya registered under the NGO Act as a National NGO. The organization has a high profiled advisory Board charged with the responsibility of formulation and review of policy framework, which is executed by the management committee.
FIDIPA envisions holistic empowered peaceful communities and sustainable development. Its mission is to improving quality of life of the rural and urban poor populations though participatory processes to challenge oppressive structures and play a central role in peace making, good governance, gender equity, economic justice, food security, adequate water, environmental management, improved well-being and sustainable development. FIDIPA’s core values include: peace, unity, networking, respect, equality, fairness, efficiency, professionalism, transparency and accountability.
FIDIPA believes promoting peace, gender equality is a promotion of fundamental Human Rights and principles/values and democracy.
The objective of this program is to improve access to clean, safe, affordable water, proper sanitation and effective waste disposal for the residents in the catchment area.
The project objective is to increase the capacity of rural and urban poor granny’s infected and affected with HIV&AIDS, improve food security, nutrition and health, social and economic status.
In the effort to fulfil our main objective, of poverty reduction amongst the rural and urban poor through the use of locally available resources, one of the organization’s areas of concentration is training for skill development.
In some schools girls are sent to collect firewood others are asked to prepare lunch for the teachers, others are asked to dig for the teachers their small gardens within the school compound while boys are left to play in the field.
Proper hygiene is not observed and FIDIPA has to assist in removal of jiggers and advocate for proper hygiene improvement.
FIDIPA Implements grassroots programs and provides consultancy services to agencies that are committed to improving the standard of living of the urban and rural poor populations to fully direct, control, own and manage their development initiatives in a respectful, responsible and pleasurable expression of humanity. The key project areas are;
(i) Peace Gender Mainstream and Governance Advocacy project,
(ii) Environmental, Water and Food Security project,
(iii) HIV&AIDS Grandmothers taking Care of AIDS Orphans and Vulnerable Children project. FIDIPA has programs in Siaya, Kisumu, Kericho, Kilifi and Nairobi Counties. The programmatic approach of FIDIPA lays utmost emphasis on community ownership, mobilization and participation. This approach is pursued with the view to developing community based self-sustaining integrated development projects with special attention accorded to the disadvantaged in the society.